Legal Deposit Collection (LDC) is located in the newly established extension to the main library. LDC is one of the main collections in the University of Ruhuna Library also recording uniqueness with respect to the other university libraries in the country. Maintaining a legal deposit collection is a national requirement of a country. Thus, according to the publication law of Sri Lanka, every publication made in Sri Lanka has to hand over five copies of that publication to the government. These five copies are stored in five separate places in the country including the University of Ruhuna. This valuable collection consists of all the publications published within Sri Lanka since 1990. Currently, the LDC marked a total of about 280,000 items including books, newspapers, journals, magazines, handbooks, annual reports, pamphlets, government publications such as gazettes, hansards, acts, school textbooks, proceedings, posters etc. that are written in various languages. These items are stored under preservative conditions and only available for reference within the premises. This collection is open from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on weekdays.
Senior Assistant Librarian Gr. I
University of Ruhuna,
Sri Lanka,
TP : +94 412227028
Fax : +94 412227028
E-mail : librarian@lib.ruh.ac.lk
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