Laptop Lending Service

Laptop Lending Policy and Guidelines

University of Ruhuna


The Main Library and faculty libraries of University of Ruhuna lend laptops to facilitate their needed patrons use computers while learning in the library. The library also lends laptops to needed students to be used outside the library. This policy and guidelines apply to all the branch libraries and Main Library of University of Ruhuna. 

This facility is provided on first come first served basis. The laptop lending service include three types of borrowings:


2.1 Within the library loan

Under this type, a laptop is issued for three hours at a time for within the library use. Borrower should return the laptop within this time period. However, the library can renew the loan if no one is waiting for borrowing a laptop. Borrower is not permitted to transfer the borrowing to any other person and must not take the laptop out of the library. All the laptops must be returned to the Counter/Service Desk 30 minutes before closing the library.


2.2 Overnight loan

Under this type the library lends a laptop for overnight use. A patrons can borrow the laptop after 3.30 p.m. on normal week days and must return the laptop on or before 8.30 a.m. next day. Optionally, if the borrowing day is a Friday, the patron can return the laptop on or before 8.30 a.m. on next Monday or on the next working day if there is/are public holiday/s. (No renewals are allowed)


2.3 One week loan

A patron can borrow a laptop for one week time with the strong recommendation from the Dean/Head of the Department/Academic Advisor relevant to the student (See guidelines).  Patron who wish to borrow a laptop under this category should make a prior request from the Librarian/Deputy Librarian/Senior Assistant Librarian/Assistant Librarian in charge of the service through the Dean/Head of the Department/Academic Advisor relevant. (No renewals are allowed).

3.1 Borrower must be registered at the relevant library (Faculty library/Main Library) in which the Laptop Lending service is provided.


3.2 Patron must be in good standing with the library (no restrictions or blocks due to fines, long overdue items, damage to the library property or misbehavior).


3.3 Any patron qualified under 3.1 and 3.2 above is eligible to borrow a laptop under 2.1 above for within the library use.


3.4 Only student users are eligible for borrowing of laptops under 2.2 and 2.3 above.

4.1 The laptop lending is available through the Library Counter/Service Desk or Library Office depending on the service plan of library. The relevant library notifies the availability of the service.


4.2 Issuing of laptops is done through the library operating system (at present through IsuRU - automated programme).


4.3 In addition to 4.2, a record is maintained with the borrower’s signature and issuer’s signature at every time of transaction (Annex 02).


4.4 The Laptop Borrowing Agreement form signed by the borrower is filed at the first borrowing.

5.1 All patrons who borrow laptops must present his/her University ID card in check-out of the laptop.


5.2 Borrower must complete and sign a Laptop Borrowing Agreement form at the first time he/she borrow.


5.3 Borrower should examine and verify the conditions of the laptop upon the check-out and should notify the library staff if there is any physical damage or operational issue.


5.4 A relevant library staff member should examine and make a note of any damage of the laptop in check-in and check-out in front of the borrower.


5.5 Borrower is responsible for the laptop, its accessories and components while in his/her possession. The lost, damage, theft or misplace of the laptop during his/her borrowing should be reported immediately to the library.


5.6 Borrower should return the laptop on or before the due date/time.  Delaying to return the laptop for more than seven days might be considered as a loss of the laptop.


5.7 In cases of damaging or loosing of the laptop, the borrower is liable to pay the full amount of repair, recovery or replacement cost decided by the library on the basis of guidelines given in the section 6 -Recovery and Overdue charges.


5.8 Borrower should not repair or replace a part or another laptop in cases of damage or loss during the borrowing.


5.9 Library is not responsible for the data saved in the laptop. Borrowers who wish to save files are advised to save their data to a removable storage device or cloud service.


5.10 Borrower must not alter the configuration of the laptop, install any software or programme without prior approval from the library.


5.11 Borrower must comply with the ethics of computer use, Internet access and copyright policies when using the laptop.


5.12 Laptop loans are not transferable. Borrower himself/herself should return the laptop.

6.1 Overdue charge for laptop loans under loan types 3.ii, and 3.iii is Rs. 500.00 per day in first three days and Rs. 1000.00 per day in next four days from the due date.


6.2 Inability to return the laptop after seven days will be declared lost, and a replacement charge is decided upon the cost of the laptop + 5%. Alternatively, in very special cases, the Librarian can take a reasonable decision with the consent of the ‘Library Board’ to charge extra overdue charges and accept the laptop even though one week is exceeded.


6.3 Other than the above, a prior approval must be obtained from the Library Committee, University of Ruhuna, in cases of recovering the laptop from borrower.

Committee Members:


J J G Arachchige, Senior Assistant Librarian, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna.


K T S Pushpakumara, Senior Assistant Librarian, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna.


U A Lal Pannila, Senior Assistant Librarian, Main Library, University of Ruhuna.

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